
Social media web application development

This is a social media platform development, and we have been required to integrate the commonly available features in the large social media platforms in the world into this project.

  • TECHNOLOGYReact.js
  • CATEGORYSocial Media


We have been trusted by a customer and received an offer to develop a social media web application. They require us to develop a social media web application platform integrated with features similar to many large social media platforms in the world such as Account creation, login, logout, forgot password, a news feed, profile, post creation, post deletion, comment, share, like, activity, notification, hashtag, dark mode and light mode system, bilingual system, etc.


We started discussing with our clients about project design and what kind of technology to use for UI, back-end, and database. Eventually, our client chose Reactjs (framework). as the technology for the front end and uses Google's cloud service (Firebase ) for the back end and database.

We conduct comprehensive planning of the entire process. and start the project, during the development process we used a set of different libraries to meet our customer requirements and create real-world-ready projects.

Furthermore, to save costs for our customers when this project is in the production stage. We've added some important features and algorithms to this project that should be taken into account when using the cloud, they are as follows.

  • We record only the necessary information into the database.
  • We fetch only the necessary information and avoid fetching unnecessary information from the database.
  • We fetch in bulk if the data list is very long. (Fetch information when scrolling the screen)
  • We always keep the data cached.
  • For Reartime updates, we do not retrieve data frequently to obtain current information, instead we use update monitors in the database.